Body Sculpting and Cool sculpting comparison

Body Sculpting and Cool Sculpting are two procedures to remove fat from stubborn areas. And while they both help improve your body’s aesthetics and appearance, they are two distinct techniques offering their own benefits.

Body sculpting breaks up fat cells with heat from ultrasonic cavitation and radio frequencies. Cool Sculpting targets fat cells by freezing them at temperature levels below freezing. It has become an increasingly popular method to reduce stubborn areas of fat without surgery. Both methods offer advantages, depending on a person’s goals and preferences.

This article explores the differences between cool sculpting and body sculpting to help you decide which method would be best for you if you’re looking to improve your look. We’ll dive into how they approach fat loss differently and discuss their respective post-treatment plans so you can decide which technique works best for their individual needs. 

Body Sculpting and Cool Sculpting Differences

Body sculpting and cool sculpting both provide different results regarding fat loss. Although both methods have the same desired results, they have some key differences. 

Technology / Method

Body sculpting is a non-invasive technique that uses heat to break up fat cells. It combines ultrasonic cavitation, radio frequencies, and suction to target and destroy fat cells in the body while toning and tightening the skin. The treatment typically takes 30-60 minutes, and you can see results as soon as three weeks after the procedure.

Cool sculpting, on the other hand, uses cold temperatures to freeze fat cells and essentially kill them. Depending on the treated area, the process takes 45 minutes to an hour. You can expect results as soon as 2-4 weeks after undergoing treatment, with peak results appearing between 6-12 weeks after the procedure.

Treatment Area Size

The size of the treatment area is another key difference between body sculpting and cool sculpting. Body sculpting can target larger areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms, at the same time. On the other hand, cool sculpting is better suited for smaller areas like the chin or upper arms. Depending on your goals and preferences, this could be a deciding factor when choosing which technique is best for you.

Treatment Time

Treatment times for a single area are about the same for Cool Sculpting and Body Sculpting. But since you can target multiple areas simultaneously with Body Sculpting, it is faster if you have multiple areas of fat that need to be addressed.


Cool Sculpting is typically more expensive than body sculpting because it requires specialized equipment and materials. The cost also depends on the size of the area you treat and how many treatments are needed to achieve the desired results. Body sculpting, however, is often less expensive since it can target multiple locations at once.

Body Sculpting and Cool Sculpting Similarities 

Body sculpting and cool sculpting both reduce stubborn areas of fat without having to undergo surgery. Both procedures are non-invasive, so they are relatively safe for most people. The treatments also do not require any downtime or recovery period, allowing you to resume your normal activities almost immediately after the procedure.

Body sculpting and cool sculpting are both popular techniques for reducing fat areas without surgery. Each method has advantages and disadvantages that you should consider when deciding which one is right for you. Ultimately, your decision will depend on how much fat needs to be removed, the size of the treatment area, and your budget.

Body Sculpting at OHMI Medical Group

Interested in Body Sculpting? Schedule a free consultation or an appointment with OHMI Medical Group in Tustin, CA, today. We specialize in Body Sculpting and offer many state-of-the-art treatments to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Our top-notch medical staff is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to ensure that you get the results you desire. Contact us today to start your body sculpting journey!

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