Acne Treatments



For When Home Remedies Aren’t Cutting It

Acne. It’s not just a scourge of puberty. It can torment for decades. And that’s just active acne. For many, even after the initial acne resolves, the scars and pigmentation can cause just as much annoyance, frustration, and distress as active acne. Fortunately, acne and its consequences have been extensively studied by the medical community, are well-understood, and in the vast majority of cases can be treated successfully.


Types of Acne
  • Blackheads,
  • Whiteheads
  • Inflammatory
  • Cystic
  • Nodular
  • Papular
  • Pustular
Causes of Acne
  • Genetics
  • Hormones
  • Bacteria
  • Diet, hygiene
  • Medications
  • Skin Care Products
Acne Discoloration
  • Erythema
  • Hypopigmentation
  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Post-Acne Scars
  • Normotrophic
  • Atrophic
  • Hypertrophic
  • Icepick
  • Rolling
  • Keloid
  • Boxcar

Acne might seem complicated, but it really doesn’t have to be. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), “Combination therapy should be used in the majority of acne patients to target different aspects of acne pathogenesis.” That is to say, in most cases, the best, most effective course of treatment is not a single magic bullet (or cleanser or serum as the case may be). Instead, the solution is usually the right combination of bullets aimed at the specific causes of your acne. Treatment of acne-related discolorations and scars similarly have optimal results following multi-modal treatment. In accordance with AAD guidelines, combination therapy is exactly what we offer at OHMI.

What Causes Acne?

Persistent acne can be caused by many different factors, but it’s ultimately caused when the hair follicles on your face become clogged with dead skin cells and oil. Dry skin, excessively oily skin, hormones, and hydration can all play a role in whether or not you experience acne.

There are four different types of acne:

  1. Fungal acne: This type of acne occurs when yeast, oil, and dead skin cells build up in the pores.
  2. Hormonal acne: This type of acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum, which can clog the pores. Sebum usually mixes with lipids on the skin to form a protective coating that hydrates and protects your skin, but if there’s too much of it, it can lead to acne.
  3. Cystic acne: This type of acne occurs when bacteria along with dead skin cells and oil clogs the pores, leading to pus-filled pimples that can be painful and inflammatory.
  4. Nodular acne: This type of acne is caused when sebum, dead skin cells, and oil clogs the pores. This is a severe form of acne that leads to nodular bumps beneath the skin.

Depending on what type of acne you have, you may benefit from one acne treatment over another. That’s why OHMI Medical Group uses combination therapy to get the best possible results.


Combination Therapy

The providers at OHMI utilize a wide-range of therapeutic options when constructing your anti-acne treatment regimen that spans a wide range of therapies in order to suit the diverse range of individuals afflicted with acne. Recommended treatment options may include simple yet frequently overlooked over-the-counter options, classic prescription medications, in-office peels, and the latest medical technologies like the 8th generation Stellar M22 IPL, the Fotona dual-wavelength laser system, and the SylfirmX radiofrequency microneedling.

The Benefits of Acne Treatments

Treating acne early on and professionally can be a great way to reduce or prevent acne scars, prevent severe acne breakouts, reduce or prevent emotional distress, and more. Additionally, professional acne treatments at OHMI can help keep you from needing stronger acne medication or treatments in the future.

Acne can be a nightmare, but the good news is that OHMI is there to help you fight back. For more information about our acne treatments or to schedule a consultation with our experienced team, be sure to reach out to us today!