Body Sculpting


Body Sculpting & Contouring

Body sculpting or contouring isn’t about losing weight. It’s about getting your body to a shape that is natural, that is proportional, and that makes you confident and happy. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Body contouring can be achieved via many different approaches. Usually, optimal results are achieved using a combination of different approaches in order to debulk fatty areas, tighten overlying skin, and remove any remaining stubborn fat collections or nodules. At OHMI, some of our approaches include:

Radiofrequency Bulk Heating

Radiofrequency bulk heating gently raises the temperature of large unwanted fatty areas until the fat cell die and are permanently removed from your body. Simultaneously, the gentle heating also stimulates the skin’s fibroblasts to create new collagen and elastin, resulting in skin tightening.

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Radiofrequency Microneedling

In contrast to radiofrequency bulk heating, radiofrequency microneedling is used to address small, but stubborn areas of fat. Frequently, radiofrequency microneedling fat reduction is used as a “touch-up” to remove fat collections that persist in spite of prior treatment with alternative methods. Similar to radiofrequency bulk heating, radiofrequency microneedling also creates tightened skin.

Ultrasound Debulking

Ultrasound fat debulking works by disrupting the fat cell’s phospholipid bilayer (i.e. the fat cell’s outer wall) resulting in leakage of the cells contents and overall cell shrinkage. Treatment over a large number of cells results in a contoured physique. The leaked products are subsequently picked up by the bloodstream and carried to other parts of the body for energy metabolism. Ideally, ultrasound-based fat debulking is combined with a ketogenic diet for best and fastest results.

Awake, Minimally-Invasive, Laser-Assisted Liposuction

The classic body contouring procedure has now been modernized for far better results, minimal pain, maximal safety, and a ridiculously short recovery time. Rather than rely on suction power alone to remove fat as is the case for classic liposuction, OHMI’s technique involves using a laser to gently break down fatty tissue prior to using low-powered suction to remove the fat. The process is so gentle and with such minimal discomfort that you remain awake for the procedure, which removes the risks and recovery time associated with general anesthesia. Because the fat is so gently removed, it remains intact, which means that should you desire to do so, the fat can be grafted into other parts of the body like the face or breasts or hands to improve the contour of areas that are lacking in volume. Best of all, we expect that all of our patients should be able to return to work 24 hours after their procedure should they choose to do so.

Not every approach is suitable for every patient or every type of concern or every situation. This is why prior to pursuing any body sculpting or contouring treatment, the OHMI physicians will have an in-depth consultation with you in order to determine the best treatment option(s) for you.

Regardless of the technique, body contouring only yields its best health and aesthetic outcomes when combined with good lifestyle habits such as a proper diet and regular exercise regimen. Without that, it’s only a matter of time before poor habits cause the fat to return. For this reason, many patients opt to combine body contouring with OHMI’s weight management program. After all, now that you finally have the body that you’re most comfortable in, it’s only natural to want to keep that body strong, healthy, and toned so that you can enjoy it for the decades to come.